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Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 101
  HKľa Šahy VĎur FKMT Žemb PVoz PRus  
HKľa   HKľa
Šahy   Šahy
VĎur   VĎur
Žemb   Žemb
PVoz   PVoz
PRus   PRus
  HKľa Šahy VĎur FKMT Žemb PVoz PRus  
Aktualizované: Streda, 24.Júl 2019, 11:11:00

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 6 to be long, string given in /home/sx026800/www_spartaktlmace/plugins/ on line 28

V sezóne 2018/19
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1.1.1970 o :
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